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Wedding Photography Styles

If you ask me, weddings are full of charm and wonders. Because it’s full of tomorrows. Yeah, but that day that’s full of tomorrows can come in different styles. Yes, that’s the wedding style. I mean, the main theme of the wedding remains one no matter which country or religion you’re from. But the styles, on the other hand, have a wide range of variety. And a wedding comes with photography, no? So, there are different kinds of wedding photography styles too. So, in this blog, we’ll learn how to master the styles of wedding photography.

Wedding Photography Styles:

Photography Styles Wedding

Talking about wedding styles, there’s so much to do. I mean, most people know about rustic and the fairytale wedding. Yes, the rustic and fairytale theme varies from country to country. Or religion to religion. But there are other styles of wedding, you know? Even they depend on the photography styles. The fine art, the vintage, the editorial, the artistic, the black and white, the underwater, the aerial, the dramatic, the dark and moody, the gothic, and so on. And guess what? There are more coming, I suppose?

Styles Of Wedding Photography

All these wedding photography styles depend mainly on the choices of the people. Because some prefer to go wild on their wedding day. And some prefer to go for vintage. Or some go for traditional. Moreover, different kinds of wedding styles require different camera settings and tools. Photographers face a hard time mastering these styles of wedding photography.

So, when you’re photographing wedding events, that’s wedding photography. But when you’re photographing weddings in specific ways, that’s wedding photography style.

The Connection Between Marriage And Styles:

Photography Styles Wedding

Of course, a beach wedding will turn out brilliantly outstanding with a fine art photography style. Also, a wedding surrounded by nature will be paired like chocolate and peanut butter with an aerial photography style. So you see, the wedding style confirms the photography style. I mean, naturally, if you use a drone to capture wedding moments on the beach, I don’t think your client will be that happy to see the final results. Besides, when you go to cover a wedding event based on a fairytale theme, there are many things to capture rather than the bride and groom. But the rustic theme is quite the opposite, no?

Styles Of Wedding Photography

Also, the vintage or the editorial seem almost the same. But not quite. A vintage photo always calls for special effects. And always, it comes with a car. But the editorial, on the other hand, use some killer poses of the bride and the bridesmaids. So, there is a deep connection between the styles of weddings and the styles of capturing them.

Fine Art Wedding Photography Style:

Fine Art Style

What’s fine art? More importantly, what does it have to do with weddings? Well, the concept of fine art is not directly related to weddings though. Because a wedding is a wedding. But a photo can be presented in various artistic ways. And there, the concept of fine art and wedding photography comes to the midpoint.

Fairytale Theme

Well, for fine art wedding photography style, you don’t have to go beyond everything. It doesn’t require any special stage setups or bridal makeovers too. All you need to do is to use a zoom lens to highlight any specific thing and of course, capture it in a black-and-white way. In fact, fine art wedding photography is a perfect mix of romance with a vintage vibe paired with a hint of editorial technique. But don’t think that it’s that hard to do. Because you often see these kinds of photos.

Traditional Wedding Photography Style:

Traditional Wedding Portrait

Okay, I don’t think there’s something unique to say about this wedding photography style. Why? Because when you’re capturing all that wedding photos in a traditional way, that’s traditional wedding photography style.

The Small Smile

And might I add, this style comes with traditional shots like the first look of the couple, the kiss, the family portraits, and all that. I mean, if you or your client prefer wedding photos in portrait styles, then yeah. Go for it. But personally, I don’t like the traditional style anymore. Because it seems less fun to me. I mean, come on! It’s your wedding day! Shouldn’t you break some rules?

Classic Shots

But don’t take this style as less important. Because if you want to be a killer wedding photographer, then you must master this style. Once you know how to pull all the strings about traditional wedding photography styles, you can do the same with other styles.

The Ring Rings!

But you know what? It will save you a lot of hassle if you just take a few minutes to look at our articles on wedding photography. So, why don’t have a look?

Editorial Wedding Photography Style:

Fashion Show

Well, this type of wedding photography style is more of a commercial one. Because most of the high-quality bridal boutique, magazines that work on wedding events, or flower shops that features wedding bouquets use this style. Especially the boutiques. Because you’ve seen plenty of these photos on the internet or in magazines.

Bride & Bridesmaid

Oh, another important thing. Because this photography style doesn’t focus on the bride and groom. Moreover, it always focuses on the gown, the tiniest details on the gown or on the veil, the flower bouquets, the bow tie of the groom, etc.

Editorial Wedding Fashion

Mainly, this style highlights all the details that make a groom or bride lovable. Not only the bride and groom, but also it includes the bridesmaid and the maid of honor’s dresses and hairstyles. Not to mention the style of the best man and the groomsmen.

Gothic/Dark Wedding Photography Style:

Dark Theme

This style also combines several emotions and style. Like the dramatic vibe with a hint of darkness or edginess. I mean, this kind of wedding photo inspires the insatiable desires between two people. But there are many lingerie companies that use this style to show off their sexy lingeries for the wedding night.

Twilight Hour

Oh yes, gothic weddings also fall under this dark wedding photography style. I mean, goth people do get married. The dark wedding photography style for them. Mainly, this wedding photo style mainly uses a darker background or some shadows to make the subject figure more attractive. You can also use the black-and-white style for this. But the twilight effect goes perfectly fine with this style.

Photojournalism/Documentary Style:

Well, if you really must know about photojournalism, you better check out our article on it. Because you can have a clear idea about that. It’s also called the documentary wedding photography style.

Documentary Wedding

This wedding photography style doesn’t require any poses, background setups, lighting, or anything at all. And yet, this style directly tells a story about a couple. Yes, that’s a documentary photography style for you. This style mainly focuses on the wedding cultures in different countries. Obviously, wedding varies from country to country, religion to religion. Although the main theme of the marriage remains the same.

Natural Wedding Photography:

Rustic Style

Oh well, this is more of a wedding style than a photography one. Because this wedding style depends on the client’s choices. Some prefer to get married on the beach, in the forest, or in the hill. All these places include nature, right?

Wedding At Hill

So, you see, this a wedding style. Because I don’t think there’s anything for you to do when you get to cover a wedding event in nature. Just that, you can use nature to make your wedding photos outstanding.

Lifestyle Wedding Photography:

Styles Of Wedding Photography

What’s a lifestyle wedding? A wedding that’s wrapped with the reality of life? Maybe! But that’s just a mere theory. A lifestyle wedding is a wedding where there is a little fairytale mixed with the cruel reality of life. Because there are people who are in their 30s and already have kids. Some of these people are having a life of single dad or single mom. And it would be a shame for these people if they live the rest of their life alone. Would it not?

Different Wedding Photography Styles

So, these people give themselves a chance to get married again. Yes, with their kids. But this time, the best man becomes the little boy or the little girl becomes the flower girl or the ring bearer. The wedding party becomes shorter than before. This is what lifestyle wedding photography is. Covered with reality, a cruel reality, If I do say so myself.

Vintage Wedding Photography Style:

Vintage Wedding Style

There’s a vintage sector of every single thing. The same goes for the wedding photography style. Although this photography style mainly depends on your client’s choice. Because it’ll need vintage background set up, a set of vintage style wedding dresses for the bride and groom, and more importantly, a vintage car!

Vintage Wedding Car

Now, we can all agree on one thing vintage photos don’t have to be colorless. I mean, most photographers use filters to give a vintage effect. But you can also go black and white. Because most of the vintage photos are either black and white or have an orange vibe. But this is modern times. So, you can break a rule here. Add colors to bring life to your photos.

Aerial Wedding Photos:

Aerial Shot

The photo that’s captured by a camera from the air is called aerial photography. And how do you do that? With a drone, of course. So, that’s drone photography for you. Also, this depends on the client’s choice. Because not many people prefer drone wedding photography. I mean, one or two photos don’t hurt. But the whole event? I don’t think that’s truly a good idea. Because there’s a huge chance that your shots may go wrong.

An Aerial Shot

But yes, you can do a little drone coverage to give your client a fascinating short video. Not only it’ll please your client but also it’ll get you more clients. For more tips on drone photography, you can always have a look at our blog site.

Don’t Forget To Edit:

No matter which wedding photography style you choose, you’ll need to edit your photos at the end of the day. Because editing puts the last cherry on top of your photo session. Even if something goes wrong in the photo session, editing photos will save you from your client’s wrath. I know it’s a lot of work to do when you sit to edit wedding photos. But guess what? I have a solution too. If you can just have a professional editing help that’ll do the editing as per your need and deliver the photos on time, what do you think will happen? Let’s see!

Why Clipping Amazon?
Professional Wedding Photo Editing Services Of Clipping Amazon

Well, like I said above if something goes really wrong with your shots, you can take help of the professional photo editors. Clipping Amazon is a professional photo editing company just like that. So, you can always save the day of the wedding by taking our professional photo editing services. Because Clipping Amazon provides 17 kinds of photo editing services.Yeah, including photo manipulation and professional image cropping services too. And if something spoils your printed wedding photos, you can always go for our professional photo restoration services. We always value our clients the highest. Also, we provide services 24/7. So you can reach us any time. You can check out the quality of our work by trying our free trial. I’m leaving the free trial link on the button. And don’t worry, your hard-worked photos are always safe with us.


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