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Artistic Ways To Do Soup Photography

Who doesn’t love to have a bowl of coziness? Yes, I’m talking about soup! A bowl of perfectly seasoned soup can warm you up on any bad day or cold weather. Don’t you just love the idea! I know I do. In fact, everybody will love it. They say, only the pure in heart can make a good soup. The same goes with soup photography too. It just differs with the eyes of the photographer though! So, do you want to learn the artistic ways to do soup photography?

What Is Soup Photography?

You know, soup is a lot like a family. Every single ingredient in soup enhances the flavors of others. Each thing has its own characteristics. And together? It reaches the fullest and richest flavor. That’s what family members do, right? Maybe that’s why soup is known as the kindest menu in the course.

Soup Photography Tips

Okay, enough soup talk. I’m sure you’ve heard about online-based restaurants, haven’t you? Many restaurants now hire professional food photographers to capture their menus in more artistic ways. And do you know the reason behind it? They spend a lot of money on their photos. Because the fancy food photos bring them, new customers.

Soup Photography Tips

So, soup photography falls under food photography. However, when you’re trying to capture soup from different angles and try to make it look fancier, you’re doing soup photography. It’s simple comfort food. But capturing it calls for art.

Soup Photography Tips:

Artistic Soup Photography

Soup is like duct tape. It fixes everything. Because soup puts the heart at ease. Also, it calms down the violence of hunger. Moreover, a bowl of soup removes all the tension from the day. Not to mention it awakens and lightens the mood. What’s more? It refines our appetite. Now let’s see how to capture some artistic soup photos:

Keep The Soup Plate Plain And Clear:

You have to make sure that the plate is clear and plain. This will allow you to capture the soup in its purest form.  Soup is not just about the taste. It’s about the beauty of a bowl of soup.

Soup Photography Tips

So, when it comes to soup photography, it’s a good idea to use a flat background for your soup photos. That’s because a flat background will make your soup photos look more realistic. A white soup plate with no print will do the trick.

Shoot In a Raw Format:

Many professional food photographers recommend shooting soup photos in RAW format. Because this will help you to edit your soup photos more easily. Plus, you can control every aspect of your photo in Photoshop.

Artistic Soup Photography

However, the best thing about shooting in RAW format is that you can shoot the soup and the plate as one image. That way, you can edit your soup photo later without having to separate the two.

Capture The Garnish:
Capture The Toppings

When you cook soup, the ingredients should remain semi-cooked. Because they’ll look more like the real thing. Also, it just enhances the appeal of the soup. Which is the ultimate goal of soup photography.

Use Some Soupy Props:

Soup is an open-ended cuisine. You can put anything into a soup. It doesn’t matter what you put in there. So, use props in soup photography to spice up your shots. You can use bowls, mugs, or even soup spoons.

Use Some Croutons

You can also use candles, glasses, and cutlery. In addition to this, you can also use other food items like nuts, bread, and cheese. Just make sure that they fit well with the soup.

Try Different Angles:
Try Unusual Angles

Soup photography is about capturing all the different angles of the soup. So, when you’re capturing soup photos, you need to try different angles. For instance, you can shoot the soup from the side, from the front, and from the top. You can also add a little twist to soup photography by shooting it from different heights. That way, you’ll be able to capture some really beautiful soup shots.

Use Enough Light:

Another thing to keep in mind while taking soup photos is the amount of light. You’ve got to make sure that there’s enough light source in the room. Otherwise, you’ll have to use a flash. Moreover, you also need to make sure that the light is coming from a direction that won’t cast shadows on your soup.

Artistic Soup Photography

This will make your soup photos look more professional. When it comes to lighting, I recommend using a flash. That way, you can create a more realistic-looking soup.

Use A Wide Angle Lens:
Artistic Soup Photography

When it comes to soup photography, you’ve got to make sure that you have a wide lens.  Because soup photos are usually shot at a distance.  That’s why you’ll have to use a wide lens.  You’ll also have to make sure that the soup is not too close to the camera.

Try A Macro Shot:

Do you know why a macro lens is used for capturing close-up soup? Because close-ups give you a chance to capture the individual ingredients inside the soup.

Soup Photography Tips

However, macro lenses are known to be extremely expensive. But if you want to capture the perfect soup photos, then you should invest in a macro lens. Because the macro lens can capture the food in its most accurate and realistic way.

Create A Story:
Artistic Soup Photography

They say that soup is the song of the hearth and the home. So why not capture that story? You can capture a story where all the ingredients are boiling. The story of building a great and rich flavor.

You can also use some croutons or heavy cream or a dash of parsley to compliment the scene. Trust me, it’s enough to make audiences leave mouth-watering.

Enhance The Color By Editing:

No matter how good you are at food photography, you can always enhance the beauty of your photos by editing them. And when you’re photographing soup, photo editing is even more important. Isn’t it? Because soup is a liquid, or should I say semi-liquid food. So, there is plenty of room for enhancing the beauty. So, don’t miss this. Also, be careful about not over-editing them. Anyway, you can also hand over the pressure to a professional photo editing company. Let’s see!

Clipping Amazon
Food Photo Editing

Clipping Amazon is known for its professional photo editing tactics. Meaning, it’s a photo editing service provider company. We provide 17 types of image editing services. Color-correction, background removal, raster to vector, image masking, clipping path are some of them. We value our clients the highest. We edit photos in several steps. I mean, we edit and send them to the clients. Until our clients say it’s perfect now. Maybe this is one reason behind our serving in 26 countries with 100% client satisfaction. Also, we have an amazing blog site. As you’re looking for a cloud restaurant or cloud bakery business, you can have a look at our Food photography blog. There’s also travel photography, raster to vector, and ice cream blog. You can have many ideas from there.

Therefore, I hope you found my blog useful. If you need a low-cost food photo editing service, feel free to tap on the button below.


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