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How To Do Carnival Photography

The smell of cotton candy, popcorn, and fried foods with exotic music? That sounds like a carnival, no? And of course, there are always these amazing rides. But that’s not even the best part. Because a carnival has a secret power to bring out everyone’s inner kid. And everyone loves it. I mean, that’s why we go to carnivals, right? But yeah, capturing these moments might be challenging. So buckle up. Because we’re going to learn carnival photography.

Carnival Photography:

Night Carnival Photography

Well, it’s a kinda travel photography? But a cheap one for sure. I mean, you wouldn’t go to another side of the country to attend a carnival. Would you? Besides, carnivals represent cultural beauties and differences from country to country. So, if you want to do any kind of documentary, any local carnival is a wonderful choice.

Cotton Candy

Yes, most of the carnivals are held in the village areas, that’s why it represents the people and the culture altogether. But yes, photographing any carnival wasn’t a thing before, right? So what? It’s a fun option to do outdoors, street, or functional photography. If you want to practice your photography and take your skill to the next level, just go to your nearby carnival.

Ferries Wheel

Because a carnival is always a very crowdy place. It offers you, cheerful kids, friendly adult faces, loving couples sharing cotton candies and foods, amazing lights, and what not? I mean, it’s the best combo a photographer can ask for. So, when you pack your bags for capturing beautiful carnival photos, you’re doing carnival photography.

Things You’ll Need:
Carnival Photography Tips

I always like to pamper myself whenever I get the chance. So, before you pack up your camera, get yourself a cute dress and makeover. I mean, you’re going to a carnival and you won’t take any selfies? Besides, pampering yourself always removes the negativity and dullness going on in your life.

As for photography tools, a mirrorless camera is very very important. And of course, you’re going to need a wide-angle lens and a zoom lens. A tripod to make your shots stable. And a camera bean bag to carry your things. Other than these things? Let me think. Oh yes. keep in mind that the aperture priority mode is suitable for carnival photos. Pack a minimum of 3 to 4 batteries. Also, capture the photos in RAW format. And all the other settings? You better use those in manual mode. Because you never know what is going on in a carnival.

Carnival Photography Tips:

Night Carnival Photography

Well, every carnival has a story. But not all the stories are the same. Although every carnival will offer you some best corn dogs and candies. So grab yourself some, and get ready. On second thought, you need to realize that these are some mere ideas. If you’ve more ideas, feel free to let us know below in the comment section.

The Best Time To Shoot:
Twilight Hour

Well, I bet you already know that the twilight hours are the best time for any kind of photo session. And the same goes with the carnivals too. But yeah, no carnival starts from sunrise. Moreover, it mostly starts at midday, no?

A Cloudy day

But don’t worry. You can use the blue hour and the sunset to your advantage. Besides, if you can use the blue hour properly, I think you’ll easily get some killer outdoor photos. For example, the snap of the entrance gate of the carnival, the view from the ferry’s wheel, or the couple kissing in the sunset. Besides, you must make the most of your time after sunset. Because nature will come dark slowly. And the lights of the carnival will look the most vibrant. I’m sure that’s something you wouldn’t want to miss. Would you?

Burst Mode:
Carnival Photography Tips

As you’re in a very lively place, expecting someone will stand still for a long time is not going to happen. Everyone will be chatting happily, munching on their snacks or some will go to enjoy the exotic rides. I mean, everyone will be moving.

Carnival Photography Tips

So, in case you really want to capture some quality candid, you better set your shutter to burst mode. So, then you don’t have to worry about your photo will get blurred for constant movement.

For Portraits:

If you want to shoot portraits in daylight, a place that has enough light and shadow is perfect. Perhaps a still ride will do for shade? Or if you want to shoot in the evening or after sunset, use the carnival lights. There are endless stalls in any carnival. And those come with lights, no? So, use it as a substitute for mini lights. Trust me, they work way better than the mini lights.

Some Food Snaps Are Mandatory:
Corn Dog

I mean, what does everyone do at a carnival? Having some funnel cakes and corn dogs are the guys that make a place feel like a carnival, no? Caramelized apples, rainbow popcorn, pretzels, lemonade slushies, fried chicken, etc make the air heavy with mouth-wateringly delicious smells in any carnival.

night carnival photography

But when you go capture foods, keep in mind that you’ll need enough lights. And do you know what makes food photos the most alluring? It’s the natural light. If you really need another light source, any golden-colored mini-light will do.

For The Happy Kids & Teens:
Merry Kids

Rides like carousels and trains really make kids smile. I mean that’s the reason we go to carnivals right? Even if you don’t get on any ride anything, happy little faces will make you happy. Those will make you forget all the problems going on in your life. So, capture some kids in the carousel. Or on the train. Of course, use the burst mode and zoom lens to capture the colorful details.

Teen Photos

Besides, not just the kids. Even teenagers come out of their shells at a carnival. If you want to get close to your teen brother or sister or kid, take them to a carnival. Because I truly believe a carnival has the ultimate power to bring out the inner child in everyone.

Teens are hard to be easy with. Also, they are not very comfortable in front of the camera. But in the carnival, you can get them in a cheerful mode. Otherwise, you can check how to photograph teens for tips.

The Costume Cosplay:
Carnival Portraits

It’s a very common scene in every carnival. The scene where people are wearing colorful costumes brings out the county or holiday vibe is a scene we see very often. Don’t we?

But costumes are costly to manage, yeah. That’s why people are going for face painting now. So, you can capture the scene where someone is painting a face can be real carnival candid.

night carnival photography

Also, the scene where clowns or other characters are having a fun dance together or showing off their costumes will be very compelling. No? Besides, every costume has some signature poses.

The Crowds:
night carnival photography

Hey, a carnival is always a crowdy place. Among many creative concepts, you might want to add a photo that represents the cheery side of a carnival. The best shot comes when everyone is dancing or busy in color feasting. Because it shows the colorful and beautiful side of the carnival. I mean, no matter how black or white you are, how poor or rich you are it doesn’t really matter. A carnival is open to all.

The Empty Rides:
Empty Park

If you want to add a little bit of drama or a documentary vibe to your photos. I say you should snap a photo of empty rides. I mean, when a ride halts to stop and all the people get out of the ride you can snap it. But the best option for this is to get into the carnival before anyone else. Only then you’ll get to capture rides empty. And also from various angles.

Edit Your Photos:
carnival photography tips

A carnival is a way more crowdy place even than a wedding venue. And do you know the worst part? The worst part is there are endless things waiting to happen that can actually ruin your photos. So, editing is the only thing that can save your every single shot. Because some parts of the frame don’t like well? Delete it. But you need to fill in the empty parts, right? If so, then yeah this definitely calls for photo editing. A very professional one. Which leads you to us, yes?

Clipping Amazon?
High-End Skin Retouching

Clipping Amazon is one of the most professional photo editing companies. Background removal, color correction, image masking, clipping path, photo restoration, manipulation, and whatnot? Also, we provide ad design and magazine cover design services. So, what else you are looking for? We always have a heart-to-heart chat with clients. So that we can realize the exact requirements of our clients. We always value our clients the highest. And don’t worry, your photos are always safe with us. You can always rely on us for urgent delivery. So, what are you waiting for? Hit the button and drop your photo to get a free quote!


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