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Everything You Need To Know About Engagement Photography

The highest happiness on the earth? Oh yes, it’s the day of your marriage. I mean, happiness is only visible when you share it with your dearest—speaking of marriage when you find the right person. You just know. So, to preserve that happiness, many go for engagement photography now. However, people know it as a pre-wedding photoshoot. However, in this blog, I’m going to write about it. The pros and cons, and everything.

What Is Engagement Photography?

You have heard of a wedding shower. Haven’t you? As everything is becoming costly, people can’t manage that much time. The soon-to-be bride and groom now plan to have an engagement party together. I mean, instead of partying in different places, isn’t it better to do it together? And where there is a party, there is endless photography. Or should I say memory?

Engagement Photography Tips

So, when you’re having a wonderful engagement party to celebrate your love life before your wedding and hire a professional photographer to still your moments forever. Yes, that’s engagement photography. Many call it pre-wedding photography or wedding shower. But no matter what the name is, the main theme is just the same. And so are the photo ideas, dress-ups, party props, and everything.

Wedding Shower Photo Tips:

Now then, let’s dig in. Shall we?

Capture The Chemistry:

Engagement Photoshoot Ideas

Every single couple has some story of their own. I mean, love is beautiful, yeah? And of course, it works totally different with different couples. So, capturing the love chemistry is just the way to honor the couple. You know, every couple has a favorite pose. Or a favorite moment. Tell your clients to pose their signature moment.

Looking The Part Will Do The Trick:

Engagement Photoshoot Ideas

If I’m right, your client must have some favorite Disney or Marvel character. Imaginary characters aside, every human has some favorite mythical or fantasy character. You can tell your clients to dress up like those characters. Or if they’ve any other favorite idea of dressing up, they can definitely try it. However, if your client got no favorite heroes or so, you must tell your clients to bring several dresses for the variance in photos.

Solo Shots Are Welcomed As Well:

Engagement Photography Tips

Look, there are always certain reasons behind two different people falling in love. Aren’t there? Because I know most people deny to say the truth here. And do you know a secret? It’s the two person’s personality that attracts their partners. So, in engagement photography, you may want to capture that personality. That’s why taking some solo photos of the partners will commemorate their love.

The Ring That Rings The Wedding Bell:

Engagement Photoshoot Ideas

Oh well, we’re talking about engagement photography. Aren’t we? So, the wedding ring holds a special place here. You can represent the rings with some beautiful props. You can use some props that indirectly represent the couple. Or you can also go traditional. Like the moment when the couple is exchanging their wedding rings. It’s a very common pose, but traditional.

The Place:

Engagement Photoshoot Ideas

It’s obvious to pick up a theme for the big day. For example, a wedding on the beach or on the hill is pretty normal. So, if that’s the case, you must inform your client to pick up a different location for the photo session. You can suggest recreating their first moments. I bet they would love it. You can find more ideas like this on our Valentine’s photo ideas.

The Candid Moments:

Engagement Photography Tips

You know, candid photos are more lovable than the posed ones. Because when you let your clients talk with each other casually, or act naturally, you’ll get some shots that your clients will really love. Because candids are becoming more popular day by day.

Pets Will Make The Photos Sweeter:

Engagement Photography Tips

I don’t know a person who doesn’t love pets. Because they make the worst situation the best! But the whole engagement thing is sweet enough. Right? So why not make it sweeter? Add some fur babies if your clients have one or more.

Some Extra Gears And Tools:

Engagement photography sessions take a long time to do. So, you better take at least two batteries, several memory cards, mini lights, an umbrella, and two cameras if possible. If you don’t have two cameras then you can use your smartphone. Later, you can drop those photos into the post-production section. Oh, and don’t forget the set of lenses.

Break All The Rules As Much As Possible:

Engagement Photography Tips

I mean, yes if your client is a bit adventurous, then why not? You will be able to go all the creative you want. And if I’m not mistaken, everyone loves creativity. Especially in wedding, and engagement photography. Because you can use an unusual prop to get a time-stopping engagement photo. Photographers are known for creativity. And you know what? Creativity doesn’t come without breaking a rule or two!

Let The Couple Have Fun:

Engagement Photoshoot Ideas

Every couple has some moments of their own. Where they feel genuine to each other. They feel actual fun. Capturing these moments in between can fulfill your photo session. So, ask your client about their interaction. That is, what makes them laugh, what they love to do together. If their budget is short, you can suggest them arrange a picnic just for the two of them. And then? You can try out some cute couple poses.

Things You Must Do To Photograph An Engagement Party:

I mean, yes, aside from packing the necessary tools and all that. There are some major things you must do. Because these things will determine your whole photo session. So, grab a note and a pen. You must have a heart-to-heart chat with your client before getting into the big day. Ask them about their preferences and disliking. Ask them about their favorite pose and if they’ve any ideas or plans for their engagement.


Secondly, ask about the location. And if possible, try to go to the spot at least an hour before the ceremony. Move around the spot and try to figure out the favorable angles. Because with the guests around, you won’t be able to do that. Moreover, you can figure out the light settings you will need.

Then comes the after-party. Oh, I didn’t really mean the party. Because after the photo session, you’ll need to polish them up for delivery. This is the most boring yet most important part of your entire photo session. Because even if something goes wrong during the photo session, you can fix it. Moreover, some clients require some artistic photo manipulation instead of wearing costumes. What will you do then? Fear not, you can always drop this boring stuff to Clipping Amazon. Not for free of course.

Why Clipping Amazon?
High-End Skin Retouching

Well, like I said above if something goes really wrong with your shots, you can take help of the professional photo editors. Clipping Amazon is a professional photo editing company just like that. So, you can always save the day of the wedding by taking our professional photo editing services. Because Clipping Amazon provides 17 kinds of photo editing services.Yeah, including photo manipulation and professional image cropping services too. And if something spoils your printed wedding photos, you can always go for our professional photo restoration services. We always value our clients the highest. Also, we provide services 24/7. So you can reach us any time. You can check out the quality of our work by trying our free trial. I’m leaving the free trial link on the button. And don’t worry, your hard-worked photos are always safe with us.


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