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Tips For Mermaid Portrait Photography

Do you believe in mermaids? I know I do. Because they are the most mystical creature that people still searches on the internet. Even the rumors of seeing them go viral sometimes. Although we all know these are just rumors about mermaids being true. Still, we click on the content to see it! I’ve seen many girls wish for a mermaid photoshoot at their quinceanera. So, in this blog, we’ll get to know about mermaid photography.

Let’s Prepare For Mermaid Photography!

There are tons of things to do before going to a mermaid photoshoot. Because you shoot mermaid photos under the water and on the beach too. You can even snap photos on the watery lands too. And do you know what calls for beautiful mermaid photography? Diving into the underwater fashion world. You can use beautiful props and bikinis. So, you wear costumes like mermaids and pose like the mermaid queen, you’re doing mermaid photography.

Mermaid Portrait Photography

But also, when you’re the one taking mermaid photos of your clients. That’s mermaid photography too! Although I guess that means you have a lot to do for a nice photoshoot and get creative. Oh, I almost forgot to say that, mermaid photography falls under fantasy photoshoot and creative kind of photography.

So, are you ready to dive in and brace your inner mermaid?

All The Props And Shells:

After fantasy photography, I think mermaid photography calls for the most props and set-ups. Because you’ll need a shiny and sparkly colorful mermaid tail for that. Even if you don’t get any model to pose for, you can use the tail to take photos. Models or no models, a mermaid tail is the most important thing for mermaid photography.

Mermaid Portrait Photography

Tails aside, you may also want to wear a beautiful hairstyle. And as for hairstyle, we all know mermaids have colorful hair. I mean, that’s what they show on the TV though. So, you can use colorful wigs that match the color of your tail. You can also add flowers of your choice. It’ll add more love and cuteness.

Use Props

Now, you surely didn’t forget about a mermaid-themed bra. Did you? People who aren’t into mermaids also want to wear a mermaid-themed bra and show off their curves. You can follow my swimsuit photography for more details. Now, I know these kinds of bikinis are expensive! That’s why I’ll share with you an idea once I did. You can buy any color plain bikini from the store and some extra sea-shells and fake pearls from the other stores. Then use hot glue to stick them to your bikini as per your choice. There, your mermaid-themed bikini is ready!

Mermaid Portrait Photography

Lastly, you’ll definitely need a waterproof camera and some lenses. Because mermaid photoshoot mostly happens under the water. So, you may want to follow the proper guide for underwater photography.

There are also other props that you’ll need for setting up a suitable background. We’ll get to it now.

Mermaid Photoshoot Ideas And Tips:

Come Up With A Plan:

When you dive for mermaid photography, it’s very important that you come up with a plan. That how many photos you’re gonna shoot. Or which location is it you want to do mermaid photography? Or which angles you want to focus on. Remember one thing. A smooth sea never made a skilled mermaid. The same goes with mermaid photography.

Mermaid Portrait Photography

Or what time do you want to shoot? Although these facts also depend on your clients too. You can have an open conversation with your client so that you guys can do everything nicely.

Mermaid Portraits:
Mermaid Portrait

You can start mermaid portrait photography by taking mermaid portraits. How so? You can tell your model or client to pose and take a closer shot of her hair. Or of her back. This is a very common or traditional pose for mermaids. You can also tell your mermaid to sit on the river bank or on the beach and take the shot. Or the pose of a mermaid arranging her hair.

Make Myth Real:
Capture Twist

Mermaids are mythical creatures. So, why not make them real? There are also myths where mermaids sang beautiful songs and lure pirates to their death. Or the myths where mermaids fall in love with humans. So, you can create a story like that in your image. I think it’ll turn out great.

Combine Myth With Reality:
A Mermaid In The Net

This is where you get creative all the way you want. Why? Because I’m pretty sure even if I didn’t see any mermaids, they do not come with tattoos. Or any kind of skin art. But you can choose a model who has a tattoo and capture that. Or if your client has any kind of tattoo, you can take a photo focusing on that. You can also go for fake tattoos.

Keep An Eye On The Light:

If you’re shooting under the water, then you must pay attention to the amount of light. Because the amount of light source isn’t very helpful. So bring out a good amount of light under the water, you can capture the mermaid skin nicely.

Silhouette In The Sunlight

Or if you do the mermaid photoshoot above the water, you must keep an eye on the sun. Don’t shoot when the sunlight is too much harsh. Moreover, shooting photos during the late noon or early morning will be quite convenient.

Talk About Underwater Fashion:
Mermaid Hair

The mermaid tail, colorful wigs, beautiful props, and all the things. They’re all part of the underwater fashion world. You can focus on these and take photos easily. Aside from the full-length picture of a mermaid, you can just take pictures of these things.

Edit Your Photos:

No matter what kind of photography you’re doing. You must edit your photos. Editing gives the photos the most beautiful look. And as for mermaid photography, you must your mermaid photos. Underwater photos are very delicate. And so, they need the highest attention. So, must edit them.

Retouch Your Photos

Now, I really hope you found my blog useful. I tried to point down some notes, that you can use both for yourself and for your clients. And if need any kind of photo editing helps, you can always count on Clipping Amazon.

Clipping Amazon
Photo Retouching Services

Well, Clipping Amazon is one of the most professional photo editing service provider companies. We provide 17 kinds of photo editing services. And for professional beach photography, you’ll need photo manipulation, color correction, color restoration, etc. Aside from these services, we provide background removal, image masking, clipping path, etc. We also, provide ads design and magazine cover design services. We always value our clients the highest. Not to mention, the 24/7 services. You can also search our blog site. Because there are plenty of blog posts to give you ideas about photography and photo editing.

You can try our free trial to check out our working quality. I’m sure we’ll amaze you! I’m leaving the details on the button. After all, a great city is not to be confounded with a populous one!


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