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Iceland Photography Tips For Winter

Well, the fall is here already. That means the winter is already blowing her chilled wind. Soon, the world will put on the snowy overcoat. And guess what? The Christmas trees will start to ring the bells for December. Also, the whole world will turn into Iceland, no? That’s why in this blog, we’ll get to learn Iceland Photography.

What Is Iceland Photography?

Iceland Landscape Photography

I mean, Antarctica stays covered in snow all year round. But when winter comes to the world, the whole world becomes Iceland, no? So, even if you can’t go to Antarctica or Iceland for Iceland photography, no need to worry. Because you’ll get to know some awesome and tricky ideas by which you can easily do Iceland photography.

So, when you’re capturing Ice covered lands or activities that are done only in winter, that’s Iceland photography. The only reason I’m writing this blog is that you don’t need to spend money to go to Iceland for this. But you can do that when winter takes its throne completely.

The Proper or The Exact Time:

Winter Starts

When we discuss winter photography or Iceland photos, I always see that people face confusion that exactly when they should start to capture photos for Iceland photography. I mean, the Fall feels a little warm when it just starts. But it feels a lot colder when the Fall comes to an end. Besides, it starts to snow early sometimes.

Winter Photography

So, it really depends on you, you know? Because whether you want to capture from the very beginning of the winter or a completely snow-covered world is totally up to you. Besides, there are some signature activities people look forward to doing in winter. Having hot chocolate or hot cocoa at local corners, roasting marshmallows at the campfire, or making snow angels are some common scenes of Winter. Or should I say Iceland? Even Iceland wears a new makeover in winter. But if you get to capture the first snow of the year, I bet you’ll love it. And do you know why? Because not every day you get to see a snow-covered rose or a snow-covered fruit.

Tips For Capturing Winter/Iceland:

Well, grab yourself a cup of hot cider and warm up. Because yes, we’ll talk not only about creative ideas but also about some common things. Things that make the Winter whole.

Look Out For Your Camera:

I mean, you’ll be working in the snow, right? But you need to take care of your camera as well. Because as much as cold the weather is, snow melts the second we touch. And it melts for the heat of our body. And what happens when the snow melts? It forms into water. And that can ruin your beloved camera. So, what you’re going to do?

Iceland Landscape Photography

It’s safe to have a set of weather-resistant cameras. At least one single camera will do. Because you don’t know when the snow will start to fall heavily. Surely, we photographers love our cameras more than anything.

The Weather Updates:
Iceland Landscape Photography

Since you’ll be covering a session outdoors, checking weather updates is a must. Because the weather plays a real trick in winter. Just one moment, the weather can is really beautiful like a fairytale, and the next moment, it’s horrible stormy. So, you better check the weather updates before heading out. Oh, and of course, always have plan B. In case the weather gets worse, you can save yourself.

The Snow Fall:
Iceland Landscape Photography

Oh, just so you know, it’s not the snow falling. Okay? Because in winter, any natural waterfall is a sight to sore eyes. Trust me, you’ll have to look twice at a snowy waterfall. How so? Because in winter, all the watery lands like rivers, and ponds get frozen. But the waterfalls on the other hand. No matter how low the temperature is, there will be some water streaming down. And obviously, you don’t want to miss it.

The Forever Green King:
Iceland Landscape Photography

You’re doing Iceland Photography and you’d miss the KING? Yes, I’m talking about the Christmas tree. Go macro or go wide I really don’t care. But you must capture at least a single shot of a Christmas tree. What if you don’t get any Christmas tree anywhere near you? Well, fear not. Because nobody is stopping you from capturing the Pine trees, or any other trees.

Look For Animals When You’re On Iceland:
Winter Photography

Talking about Christmas, a snow-covered land reminds us of Santa. Doesn’t it? Also, reindeer, wolfs, Icelandic horses, and sheep are very common in Iceland. And you obviously can’t miss the polar bear. if you get to see any activities, make sure to capture them.

Ice Birds:

Well, everyone loves to see penguins and puffins, no? If you find some adorable baby penguins playing together, will you miss it? I don’t think anybody would do so. But birds are restless creatures. So, you better set your shutter speed to burst mode. To avoid blurry photos, burst mode really helps.

Snow Sports:
Winter Photography

Of course, winter doesn’t feel like it unless you get to skate. I mean, a little faceplant now and then doesn’t hurt. Does it? So get yourself a pair of skating boots, and glide! If you’re too afraid to do this, then get yourself a model. But you should know one thing. If you get any kids who can skate well, then you better bribe them with some candies and chips. Because they’d look like knights in shining armor.

Snow Angels:
Winter Photography

No, no, I’m not talking about photo manipulation. I bet you’ve made snow angels in your childhood. I did too. And I still miss those days. Because a grown-up girl making a snow angel would look hilarious as hell, no? But capturing that isn’t hilarious I guess. So, if there are any kids or teenagers around you, you know what to do.

Winter Cityscapes:

I know cities are really busy, yes? But they become more vibrant in winter. The streets wear light makeovers, little hot stands come to life on every corner, and the falling snow makes you feel like it’s Christmas eve. Besides, roasting marshmallows on a campfire is a very common scene.

Winter Romance

To capture a perfect cityscape to improvise the winter, I have two ideal thoughts. Either you can capture a couple cozying up by roasting marshmallows, or you can capture a couple sharing a cup of hot chocolate together. This will bring out a very sweet and romantic vibe. These are very common scenes of winter. And yet we love to see it.

Lights In Northern Sky:
Northern Lights

This tip is only if you travel to Iceland. Because it snows in Iceland all year. But only in winter, you’ll get to see the Northern lights. Especially to see this scenic beauty, many people come to Iceland. So, if you get to the place on time, don’t miss it. But as it is related to astrophotography, you better check our article first.

Edit Your Photos:

Don’t be in a hurry to upload your photos to the web. Wait till you’re done taking the photos. Then, go back and edit your photos. You can add some special effects like vignettes, starbursts, and so on. It will make your photos look more professional and it will also help you get better results.


A big part of photography is editing if you ask me. So, of course, play with every feature that Photoshop is offering you. Hue and saturation, white balance, shadow, and so on. Most of all, photo manipulation is a must. As it is very creative and calls for a skilled hand, you may want to leave it to a professional like Clipping Amazon.

Clipping Amazon
Clipping Amazon

Clipping Amazon is one of the most professional photo editing companies. Background removal, color correction, image masking, clipping path, photo restoration, manipulation, and whatnot? Also, we provide ad design and magazine cover design services. So, what else you are looking for? We always have a heart-to-heart chat with clients. So that we can realize the exact requirements of our clients. We always value our clients the highest. And don’t worry, your photos are always safe with us. You can always rely on us for urgent delivery. So, what are you waiting for? Hit the button and drop your photo to get a free quote!


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