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How Digital Business Affected By Covid-19: Ups And Downs!!

We have reached a new year through the pandemic year 2020. The year was not like other years. At the end of 2019, a new kind of virus spread out so fast throughout the world. For its outbreak & terrible consequence, the WHO declared it a pandemic. We know, for all it was not a smooth & flexible time. But it was the toughest for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Even much stable digital business fell into a stalemate.

The end of the first four months of Covid-19 was a real reason to close down small businesses. We can see this pandemic is threatening us in two ways, our life, and our income source. Covid-19 has a strong impact on every sector like e-commerce, real estate, photography. Tourism, fashion & modeling, event management, etc are not apart from the list. Some digital businesses like online shopping from 2014 to 2020 have increased 26%.  After increasing some of them, they still have problems with budgeting and balancing.  Though vaccines for covid-19 oncoming, we assume. But it’s hard for business owners to reconfigure their business. 

We (Clipping Amazon), as a part of digital business, want to help our community. We decided to give them a big offer on our all 17 photo editing services.

Why Do We Take This Decision To Give An Extra Favor In Digital Business?

We have almost ten years of experience. We have hundreds of clients around the world. Our policy always ensures 100% satisfaction to clients, cost-friendly services, secured file transfer, and on-time delivery. In the meantime, we have a good relationship with our clients. We have seen their difficulties during the pandemic. That’s a big struggle to continue small & medium business. Then we thought, how can we help them a little bit or more to contribute to their struggle. We have gathered some information & statistics about the impact of covid-19 on business. So, in this content, we’ll discuss how covid-19 affects digital business and how we can help our clients.

Impact Of Covid-19 On E-commerce:

If we look back, we see that whenever a pandemic overthrew, there was a vast change occurred in the economy. Most of the time, the change was permanent. Not to go so far, if we look after the SARS, we see the world-famous e-commerce Alibaba became very popular all over the world at that time. And we know history repeats itself. So, now in Covid-19, people change their behavior for shopping under lockdown. This pandemic changed people’s lifestyles, buying patterns, and ways of thinking. So, online services demand has increased. Moreover, experts think that online shopping is safer than physically shopping in this pandemic. Though online businesses were already world-leading, in this pandemic situation, online business increased in multiple categories.

Source: Common Thread Collective

Here, we can see e-commerce performance is not only ups & downs but also breaking down. So, as an e-commerce business owner, you need a lot of high-quality photos. To survive in this competitive market, you should be very strategic. An e-commerce business product photo plays a powerful role. If your images are not eye-catching, you will lose your customer. Your competitor has already done with photo and grown their business. Why are you waiting? We (Clipping amazon) give our best service at the least price. For your product photo editing, we are here for you. Considering your business type, we will provide our best offer.

Impact Of Covid-19 On Fashion & Modeling:

Experts say the fashion and modeling industry is never going back to its traditional format after this pandemic. Alexandre de Betak (French fashion designer) said that “I think this is the start of a new era, and we will never go back to the way it was before.” Worldwide fashion & modeling industries gross profit decreased a lot. We researched its impact geographically. So, here it is.


It’s time to turn fashion and modeling into a digital way. In the middle of 2020, some fashion brands in London, Paris, and Milan show their collections digitally. Many industries delayed payment of models or fired them. If you have a small or medium fashion industry and feel difficulties maintaining model photo retouching or product photo editing, or if you are a model, we’re here for your portrait retouching. We ensure that we will consider your situation about our pricing.

Impact Of Covid-19 On Event Management:

An event means celebrations. It can be a festival, wedding, birthday or conference, product launch. It has been told to avoid social gatherings since the beginning of covid-19. So, to maintain this, usually, many events were canceled. This pandemic brings a hard time for the event management business too. It has been reported that the maximum loss of about more than $666 million till April is noted in the event industry due to the cancellation of events worldwide and has 85.9 million jobs at stake. We can see that event management has a devastating situation.  

  •  30.5% of companies lost 75 to 90 percent of their business in 2020. (Source: EventMB,   2020)
  • 6% of eventprofs reported closing their businesses as a result of the pandemic while a full 79.5% lost business. (Source: EventMB, 2020)

Now, the world is overcoming this pandemic. So, it’s time for event planners to rethink and reconfigure their business. It’s clear that event planners need to be more familiar and attract their clients with more elegance. 

Who We Are & How Can We Cooperate? 

We are a digital image editing company and serve professional image editing, clipping path, retouching image. We’re available 24/7 to listen to your requirements. Clipping amazon ensures 100% customer satisfaction & secure file transfer.
As a digital business owner, to attract your client, products or event photos are very important. Not only that, what profession you hold, it can be a model or anything else, if you need any kinds of photo editing, then we’re here for you. And obviously, we consider your condition for covid-19, what we already did before. We all know this pandemic brings a destructive condition for all businesses. So, Clipping amazon wants to contribute to their struggle going through a rough time for digital business. It doesn’t matter what image management service you want- small or large quantity and what financial plan you have. Clipping Amazon (CA) will carefully handle all of the tasks.

Don’t forget to take our free trial. Also, you can check out details about how to grow your business with photo editing.


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