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Some Wedding Photography Mistakes You Must Avoid

Who doesn’t want his wedding day to be perfect? But we all know, you need to go to many vendors for several arrangements. Because there are many steps to follow to make a beautiful wedding. Among all the vendors, your memory catcher, I mean, photographer. Do you know your chosen photographer can make or break your wedding day? Also, if you’re a wedding photographer, some of the mistakes can be the end of your career. So in this blog, I’ll write down some common wedding photography mistakes so that you can avoid them.

What Are Some Common Wedding Photography Mistakes?

A Ruined Cake For Perfect Wedding Disaster

Now, what are some wedding photography mistakes that are enough to ruin a perfect wedding? Yeah, like you’re taking photos when the bride and groom are sharing their vows and somehow someone got in the view, blocking the couple. Or little flower girls started a fight or something. Now, I realize that none of these are in your hand to control. But yeah, if you follow these tricks that I’m about to tell you. Then you can easily avoid these top wedding photography mistakes.

Because among all the photography types, wedding photography is considered the toughest. Why? Because no matter how hard you’re trying to make your event perfect, something will always go wrong. But not to worry, you need to make something amazing from a disaster if you’re going to be a successful photographer.

They say that something will always go wrong on a wedding day. But they can be the best part.

Isn’t There A Way To Avoid Such Problems?

Of course, there is. In fact, there are many solutions. Remember, there is always a solution to every problem. Either the solution is easy or hard. But there will be something you can do to avoid mistakes.

This blog about wedding photography mistakes I’m writing, it’s for all the beginners out there who really love wedding photography. Not just the beginner, some of the finest wedding photographers make mistakes too. So let’s see, what are these top wedding photography mistakes.

Common Wedding Photography Mistakes

As the mistakes are about wedding photography, I’ve pointed down some facts that affect you and your clients too. Now, where were we?

Do Make Sure You’re Signing The Wedding Photography Contract:
Make Sure You’re Making A Written Agreement With Your Client

Your first wedding photography? Oh, that’s so much exciting! But out of excitement and other preparations, you forgot about making an official contract with your client.

Now, what to include in a wedding photography contract? Well, there are pretty important issues that may cause problems later. If you don’t fix them at the first, that is. The things you should do consider including in a wedding photography contract are:

  • Exactly on which time you’re going to start your photography, and how many hours you’ll continue to snap photos
  • How many photos you need to take
  • How much your payment will be
  • If you need to print the photos or in which system you’ll deliver the photos

Trust me, these facts are really very very important for you. Of course, you’ll fix each of these facts after discussing them with your clients. The main reason behind signing a contract is, even if something goes very wrong, you have legal paper to get your payment.

Ignore Making A Shot List:
Do Make A Shot List

This is one of the top wedding photography mistakes that many wedding photographers make. Yes, in the whirlwind of so many preparations, you completely forgot to create a shortlist. But do you know that this mistake is enough to ruin your day? Why?

Because look, a wedding venue is always chaotic. It’s normal. But as you’re the photographer here, you must need to be organized. If you don’t prepare a list of which pose you want your couple to do, then you’re the one who’ll be the messiest person on the wedding set. So, make a shortlist after discussing it with your client. They may have some poses on their mind too. Do prioritize them.

Never Miss The First:
The First Dance Of The Wedded Couple

Okay, when it comes to weddings, there are so many first things. I hate to break it to you but those first are the most important in the entire day. The first look, first kiss, first dance, the couple’s first walk as a married couple, the time the bride and groom are entering the venue, and more.

Some of the wedding photographers think these firsts are not that valuable or anything. Therefore, they miss some best shots of the day. It certainly isn’t good for your career when you miss some best shots, is it? Make sure you catch the first looks of the couple.

Set A Certain Time For Wedding Photoshoot:

Now, this is one of the most common wedding photography mistakes. And most ignored step too. Because, as you’re the photographer, you know better than anyone that exactly what time it will be perfect for the photoshoot. Because light plays differently at the different times of the day and the end of the day.

So discuss it broadly with your clients so that they can realize your professionalism. And that you’re really passionate about your work.

Do Get A Co-ordinator With You:
A Helping Hand May Help You To Get The Client’s In Position

Yeah, I realize your clients are very frank with you. But they won’t be there with you on the wedding day. They’ll be busy with their other schedules. It’s up to you to make way to your clients and make them ready for the photoshoot.

Meanwhile, if someone manages the umbrellas or the additional settings for the photo session. It would be very helpful and easy to do the whole job. Wouldn’t it? Trust me, it will save much time for you to maintain the schedule. Beg, hire, or pull someone with you as a coordinator. Perhaps your friend, girlfriend, or brother? Oh, make sure you give them a treat afterward.

Focus On Your Schedule:

There will be many people at the wedding venue. Also, there will be always some people, who’ll try to control you. How so? They’ll try to control you by telling you to do this and that. In this case, what should you do?

Well, to me, paying attention to all these outsiders will turn your day into a mess. So, ignore them and stick to your schedule. But if your client says something, do as per their request.

Nail Art Is A Modern Trend In Weddings

I agree that there are some postures that are being done by every couple forever. And these poses will be posed in the upcoming weddings too. But there are also many poses that are being posed by couples nowadays. And some of these poses have become a trend.

What you’ll have to do here is to mix up the poses keeping a good combination with the traditional and ongoing trends. If you don’t have any idea of how to do it. You can check out our other blogs about wedding photography.

Don’t Let The Third Persons Get In Your Shot And Ruin It:
Those Side People Are Ruining The Shot

This is one of the top wedding photography mistakes. And common too. The wedded couples are having the moment of the day and relatives are thriving for having photos with them. Which is annoying as well as embarrassing for the couple.

Ask your coordinator to keep them away from the couple and take your shot. Remember, you shouldn’t ruin your prime part for the relatives. Also, I don’t think the couple will approve if you miss your chance here.

No Eye-Contact Is The Best:

Do you know, everyone loves a posed candid? I love it too. So, never tell the couple to look at the camera. Trust me, their candids on their weddings are some best shots. Besides, some of the most traditional poses don’t call for the eye-contact. It’s one of the top wedding photography mistakes to avoid.

There are many other mistakes that are being done by the photographers very often. But these are the some of top wedding photography mistakes to avoid. Other than that, for complete wedding photography tips, you can check out Clipping Amazon’s blog site. And if you make some mistakes somehow, you can always edit them by a professional photo editing company like Clipping Amazon.

Clipping Amazon
Professional Wedding Photo Editing Services Of Clipping Amazon

Well, Clipping Amazon is a well-known photo editing company. A company, that provides professional photo editing services. Yes including wedding photo editing too. Besides, you can have a professional clipping path, color correction, background removal, photo restoration services, etc. 17 kinds of photo editing services all in one in Clipping Amazon. Editing services aside, we also provide professional magazine cover design as well as ads design too. Ads that are attractive enough to pull your targeted customers to your website. We always value our client’s satisfaction the highest. And we keep our client’s photo totally secret. Meaning you can totally trust us with your product images or wedding images. Also, if you want to know more about photography, then you can check out our blog site. It’s full of various types of blogs including photography.

Lastly, don’t miss out on our professional wedding photo editing services with the fastest delivery!


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