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Vegetable Photography: Capture Alluring Photos

Did you ever think about food art design? Like taking photos of veggies? You know, there are a lot of sayings and quotes about veggies. That vegetables are something our God created so that women can be even with their babies. Maybe because most of the babies don’t like eating veggies? If you ask me, the colors of the veggies play a vital role here. However, in this blog, you’ll learn to capture mouth-watering vegetable photos. I mean, vegetable photography.

What Is Vegetable Photography?

Photographing Vegetables

Well, vegetable photography is a budding branch under food photography. So, if you’re planning to be a food photographer, you can try this one. Although vegetable photography isn’t that popular. But you can start your food photography practices by photographing vegetables. And might I add, it seems pretty simple and easy. Doesn’t it? But you may not find it that easier to do. Because veggies come in so many colors and shapes. And they look different under different amounts of lights. Some of the veggies hold multiple shades. As a photographer, you need to show off those colors and present them in a beautiful way in your photos.

Vegetables Photography

So, If I say informally when you spend time photographing vegetables from various angles, you’re doing vegetable photography!

Now I feel like there are some questions bubbling in your mind. That why vegetable photography is needed? Or who needs vegetable photography? Is it worth it? If so, how can I learn it?

So, let’s get you relaxed, and let me share some killer tips.

Why And Who Needs This Food Art Design?

Food Art Design

The truth is when you’re photographing vegetables, you’re designing food art. As I said before, veggies come in so many shapes and colors. Food artists create interesting arts using vegetables. And then there comes a photographer who captures that art in a photo. We see these kinds of photos very often on the internet.

Food Art Design

Also, online groceries or offline groceries use alluring and colorful vegetable photos to promote their business. Not to mention attracting their customers. Although buying vegetables from the online store wasn’t a very popular idea. Due to the Covid massacre, the situation has changed. Many people still avoid going to crowd. So, vegetable photography is a subject that is being demanded day by day.

Now that you know who needs photographing vegetables or why they need them. Let’s get you some tips to capture some awesome vegetable photos.

Best Tips For Vegetable Photography:

No matter what you do, aim to capture the colors of vegetables. Because the ultimate goal of food or vegetable photography is making people buy them. So, all the tips or secrets I’m about to reveal will help you to bring out the best features of vegetables.

A Complementary Background Is Welcomed, A Noisy Backdrop Isn’t:

Vegetable photography isn’t only about taking photos. Background plays a very important role in food art. Especially in vegetable photography. As veggies are quite colorful themselves, you better choose a simple background.

Why? Because, if you choose a background that’s too colorful, your vegetables won’t be focused. Also, if the vegetable is light-colored and you choose a light-colored background, your photos will look dull. So choose the opposite color of vegetables as the background.

Using Pattern With Vegetables Is Nice Too!:

Obviously, you won’t be hired for taking photos that have only one subject. Whether there will be different kinds of vegetables or there will be a bunch of the same veggies. No matter what you get to photograph, you can always arrange it in a pattern before the photoshoot. Which will lead to a food art design.

Arrange Them By A Pattern

For example, you can arrange some vegetables and at the center, you can cut some of the veggies into halves to create an appealing composition. In vegetables photography, you have to create your own composition.

Shutter Speed And Aperture Is Important:

No matter what photography you do, certain camera settings will determine your final outlooks. Of course, different kinds of photography call for different camera settings. So does vegetable photography. Moreover, different kinds of vegetables call for different camera settings.

Vegetables Photography

In every photography, the shutter speed, aperture, light, ISO play major roles. So, if you’re taking photos of a vegetable or a fruit where the fresh juice is dripping off of it, fast shutter speed is needed. Or if you want to take photos where drops of water are still on the vegetable, choose the low shutter speed.

Vegetables Photography

So I guess you may have questions about aperture? Well, you’ve heard of ‘Depth of Field‘, right? Aperture works in depths of field in composition. If you’re planning to capture the deeper parts, use a smaller aperture. On the other side, using a bigger aperture will get you to blur the background which is actually beautiful for the focal point. Not to mention, creating a catchy food art design.

Build A Story:

Building a story in a photo is an ability. Or should I say a God-gifted ability of a photographer? The power of building a story would leave your audience in a fantasy. That is what happened after taking the picture? Or what else is going on in the backdrop?

Build A Story

When photographing vegetables, you may think these aren’t that important. But I’m afraid you’re wrong. This is the food art design we’re talking about. Even in the famous photography schools, the power of reading an image or building a story get high attention.

Try Different Angles:
Try Different Angles

Okay, maybe you’ll need a tripod in here. What can I say? Photographing vegetables aren’t the easiest tasks to do. Because when you’re taking photos from different angles, there’s a huge possibility that your camera will be shaken up. And If I’m being straight, it’s enough to ruin your shot. But that doesn’t mean taking a view from different angles is bad. The tip is, take the liberty of photographing from different angles and have a tripod to save your shot.

Photographing In Dark Shades Is Also Fun:

As we’re playing with colors here, you can go bold and bright sometimes. In photography, everything is valid. And by going bold, I am counting on mixing some colors.

Go Bold And Dark

So, here’s the deal. You can choose a dark backdrop and some dark-colored veggies. It will make your vegetable photos look more dark and shadowy. But darker photos with shadows look mysterious and dramatic. Which exactly attracts eyes.

Another dark style is very common and traditional though. Because you can take some light-colored veggies and dark-colored veggies, arrange them as per your choice and click! This is common but classic.

Shot Some Macro Photos:

Okay, not all the vegetable photos need to come with the same vegetables. Some of them can be closer shots. For example, some of the vegetables are cut into slices and placed on a plate. And then you can click a closer shot that has a shallow depth of field. Look at the cucumber photo. It’s presenting the color layers very clearly.

A Cucumber Slice

Or look at the broccoli photo here. You can see every single floret here. That’s how you take a macro shot in vegetables photography.

But be aware of macro shots. Not all the photos should be macro. Because you are losing the other details going on the backdrop. So, keep an eye on that.

Using Some Props Is Very Professional:

Vegetables are already some beautiful stuff. So, they don’t need to make up or get ready for the shot. But using a single prop is always welcomed in food photography. Especially, if you’re going to shoot some single vegetable. Also, food photography always calls for some props. So, if you’re going to be professional and want more clients, using some simple props don’t hurt.

Use Props

For example, you see the carrots in that photo? Carrots already look gorgeous. Don’ they? But a glass of juice is what makes those carrots more appealing. And might I add, I used orange juice here. Who goes to make time-consuming carrot juice for props when you have store-bought orange juice?

Edit Your Vegetable Photos:

Editing photos is a basic need in every photography. As vegetables have so many colors, they definitely need editing. You see, even the layers have different colors. Which makes them look really beautiful. So, after the photoshoot, polishing them will make them look the best. Obviously, as a photographer, you’ll do that. Won’t you?

Edit Your Photos

Many photographers edit their photos. But when they’re really busy with clients, they rely on photo editing services. That’s us. It’s pretty easy and simple actually. All you have to do is just have chat with a company and set the prices. Then drop your photos, and you’ll get the delivery on time. Although not all the companies deliver on time.

Why Us And Who Are We?
Edit Your Photos

I hope you’ve heard about Clipping Amazon. That’s us. The best professional photo editing company. And why? Maybe because we provide 17 kinds of photo editing services on a friendly budget? Or maybe we always value our client’s demand the highest? Also, who knows why we served in 26 countries with 100% professionalism. We also provide ads design services and magazine cover design services. So, why not call it the best? You can have us with you at any time because we provide services 24/7. And I can assure you about one thing. That’s you’ll never have to worry about having an on-time delivery. You can check our portfolio!

Lastly, I hope my blog was useful for your food photography. If you have any suggestions to add, feel free to comment below. And don’t forget to try our free trial. Who knows? Maybe it’ll get you your first client?


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