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6 Best Real Estate Photography Tips For Beginners

Everybody wants a place which belongs to him only. Where he can feel the comfort of his home. Buying a place and building a home in it is not just costly. It also takes time and labor. Maybe that’s why the real estate business has grown up. Yes, in this blog we’re gonna learn some best professional real estate photography tips so that at the end of the blog, you can take amazing interior pictures.

What Is Real Estate Photography?

Professional Real Estate Photography

You may think who needs a photographer for the real estate business? The point is, yeah, photographers were not required before five or six years ago. But now the view has changed. Because almost every real estate business company hires a professional to capture their interior and exterior property.

I think you already realize that the photographer who takes photos of a real estate property from in and out is known as a real estate photographer. And of course, there is the specialized photographer who works on only real estate photography. He doesn’t photograph any other object.

Over the last two years, there have been many variations in real estate photography. Because real estate photography calls for detailed photography and some facts always demand photography. So professional real estate photography is very lucrative now.

But the point is you’ll need a specific amount of tools to make it out. Also the types of areas you’re going to photograph. If all things work well, you can make money enough. Enough to stand out as a successful real estate photographer.

Things You’ll Need As A Real Estate Photographer:

If I’m being honest, although real estate photography demands photography very often, it doesn’t call for a lot of equipment. But yeah, you’ll certainly need a camera, some lenses, etc. So let’s see what you’ll need here.

Primary Camera Settings
A Camera, Of Course:

First things first. You’ll need a camera for any kind of photography. And for real estate photography, any full-frame sensor DSLR camera or mirrorless camera will be perfect to shoot manually in real estate photography.

Tripod Is A Must:

Mainly, the job of a tripod is that it balances your camera and protects you from taking pictures with motion blur. And there will be plenty of certain situations where you’ll need to take long shots. Or lengthy pictures.

You must remember one thing. Consistency is a thing that real estate photography requires most. So, having a tripod here will help you to maintain consistency.

A Wide-Angle Lens:

Okay, here comes a black truth. There’s a trick where you can make tighter rooms look broader. And as a real estate photographer, you’ll get this request very often. The solution is, you can solve this problem by adding a wide-angle lens to your camera. Yes, this lens will help you to make tighter space look spacious.

And if you can spare some dollars, then it’s best to get a tight-shift lens to improve your photography skills. Well, it won’t make tighter space look broader. Still, it’s perfect for real estate photography. Because it removes the distortion caused by a wide-angle lens. Yeah, it’s a bit expensive. But even if later, try to add it.

Flash & Flash Trigger:

If you’re doing real estate photography in darker places or places that lack light, flash plays an inevitable role in saving your photography career. There are mainly two types of flash. And both of the flashes are needed in real estate photography. Because you don’t know which property has enough light and which has not.

You can use a flashgun for natural or normal real estate photography. But if you go for a bigger property, moonlight flash is the one.

Now you may think, what’s the point of buying a flash trigger then? Well, there is an extra edge if you use a flash trigger with your camera. Because there may be times when you’ll need to use off-camera photography. You’ll need the flash trigger then.

Light Stands & Modifiers:

A light stand is needed to support the flash units. Because bare flashes often create disturbing results. Well, here light stand will do the job.

And you can use umbrellas to start the job at first. Because not always light stands and modifiers are needed.

Once you start to make money, you can buy many tools that help to get a perfect picture.

What You Can Do As A Real Estate Photographer? ( Tips)

To pull off every project, you can go through these steps-

Make A Shot List For Every Project:

This is one of the most important real estate photography tips. It’s very professional of you if you create a shot list for every single photography project. As for me, some very common things in real estate photography is-

  • having two wide-angle photos of each bedrrom, living room and the kitchen
  • a photo of bathroom if its nice enough to take photo
  • a few snaps of backyards and the front-yards, to show-off the appealing look
  • shots of pantry, balcony, and garage

All these shots cover almost 90% of a project. Still, you should make a shot list for every project after seeing it in person.

Preparation Makes You Pro:
Preparation Gives You A Huge Boost

This is also one of the most important and professional real estate photography tips. Practice or preparation always gives you an extra edge in competitions or any kind of test. So always prepare before the day of your shooting. You may find this tip hilarious. But there’s nothing worse than seeing some of your tools aren’t working in the field of your shooting.

So, always charge your batteries before the shooting day. Check out the lenses, camera stands, memory cards, tripods, and everything. If possible, get a backup camera. So that if something goes wrong with your camera on the set, you can continue to shoot.

Be Frank With Your Property People:

This is one of the most important real estate photography tips. Once you’re hired for a project, go have a visit to that property, talk to the agent, look closely at the property. And if possible, have a friendly chat with the landowner.

Now, all these may seem not related to your photography thing. Yeah, I’ll admit it. But being frank with your property people can trigger some information that you can use in your photography. And trust me, some of the info you get in here can give your photography a huge boost.

Time Plays A Vital Role:
Timing Is Everything In Real Estate Photography

You must consider the time of photography if you want to do professional real estate photography. Yes, because you certainly can’t take photos in the evening or dawn. Right?

So pick daytime for shooting. This way, you can get the natural sunlight and brightness in your photos. Some think that sunset is the best time for real estate photography. Yeah, that’s true. Because you can get some of the most beautiful photos during this time. But keep an eye on the sun. Because if the sun is behind the house, you’ll be able to get very very good lighting in position.

Keep The Windows Open:
Keep The Windows Open

Do you know that saturated shadows give your real estate photos an amazing look? Yes, and where to get saturated shadows? Simple, when you’re photographing inside the rooms, keep the windows open. Pretty simple, right? Besides, the clients will see how the house actually looks like. If you want to make your photos as realistic as possible, then this tip is a must.

Turn On All The Lights:
Turn On All The Lights

Well, this comes in handy when you’re doing a wrap-up to close your shooting for the day. And in every project, you’ll need to take a photo that covers the whole house. Of course, you can’t photograph with the inner lights turned off. Because it’ll give you a dull photo. So, when the sun is on the backside of the house, turn on every single light in each room and go outside to take the photo. Trust me, the result will make you smile.

Well, that was all about some best real estate photography tips. But no matter how hard you try to do professional real estate photography, you need to go for a professional photo editor afterward. Why? Because in real estate photography, there are some facts that aren’t in your hands to control. But those facts matter hugely in real estate photography. And some of the photo problems happen normally, you can’t stop them. So, finding a professional photo editing company is important. And for any kind of photo editing, you can always rely on Clipping Amazon.

What Is Clipping Amazon?
Best Online Photo Editor Clipping Amazon

Like I said, for any kind of editing problem, Clipping Amazon is your call. Meaning, Clipping Amazon is a professional photo editing company that provides 17 kinds of photo editing services. Background cleaning or adjustment, color balancing or enhancement, brightness exposure, etc. You may wonder that why Clipping Amazon?

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