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How To Master The Skills Of Ocean Photography

The ocean is the most beautiful face in our whole universe. Once it has touched your soul, your life on the land will never be the same. The ocean stirs our hearts, inspires the imagination we dream of, and brings eternal joy to us. This beautiful face needs much attention to photograph. That’s right. In this blog, I’ll share how you can master ocean photography. We’ll talk about composition setup and the tools you’ll need. Let’s dip your toes!

What Is Ocean Photography?

Ocean Photography Concept

So, let’s talk about the ocean first. Because it is really artistic kind of photography. In between landscape photography & seascape photography, Ocean is both. But it just takes a lot of artistic attention. Look, the wave of the ocean is never the same once it hurt the shore. Yes, ocean photography is that kind of photography. Whereas, seascape photography means taking photos of waves and undersea creatures. And landscape photography means taking photos of landscape things. Ocean photography calls for both kinds of skills. So, in short, you can tell that when you’re taking photos of the surface of the ocean, you can call it ocean photography.

You can add many things when you go for ocean photography. Sea birds, humans, stormy bad weather, good weather, and so on! You know very well that the ocean is restless. And there are lots of waves and crashes, and so much action going on. So, if you play your cards right, you’ll be able to do amazing ocean photography.

Equipments You’ll Need To Photograph The Ocean:

Primary Camera Settings

Well, of course having or buying a camera and some best lenses is the basic thing you’ll need for ocean photography. But camera and lenses aside, you’ll also need gears, microfiber cloths, crocs or waders, filters, tripods, etc. But at the very first, you need to have a very very soft spot for the ocean in your soul. Do you know why? Because once you spend some time on the beach, or witness a full moon in the rippling sea waves. You can’t but fall for it. Only then, you can tell how to master ocean wave photography. Okay, so let’s get you introduced to the things you’re gonna need.

What Kind Of Camera Do Ocean Photographers Use?

Well, you can do just fine with a normal camera. With adding gears and filters to it. But, you’ll want a camera that has manual shutter speed along with an aperture. Because it will allow you to work with various effects.

Okay, just so you know, the ocean is always wet. So, you might want to get a waterproof camera. Or a camera that has waterproof strength. Also, be careful not to drop your camera into the water. Well, not just the water. Sands can ruin your day too. If you can’t afford a waterproof camera, you can at least use waterproof straps on it.

Collect Some Lenses:

When it comes to lenses, you must remember one thing. And that is different kinds of situations call for different kinds of lenses. So, you’ll need to collect several lenses.

For starters, an all-purpose zoom lens will do just very fine. The zoom end lets to gain reach. Which may be handy when you’re taking photos from a distance.

Also, it’s been said that you need to take long exposure shots most of the time due to the ocean’s vast surface. So, consider it as the biggest ocean photography technique.

Filters Are Necessary Too!:

You may think why the filters? Yes, adding filters to your camera lets you control the light passing through your image sensor. You’ll be taking photos at different times of the day. So, the filter will really help you. Besides, landscape photography, seascape photography call for using filters.

In ocean wave photography, when you’ll go for long exposure to capture more scenes or waves, excess light will hit your image sensor, and guess what? Your photo will be ruined. If you add an ND (Neutral Density), it will limit the light when you have to keep your shutter for a long time.

A CPL ( Circular Polarizing Filter) lets you remove any kind of reflection or glare from your shiny sea surface. Which is a very necessary thing. besides, we all know water is very much a reflective thing. So, this filter will come in handy very often.

A Microfiber Cloth Is Important:

A microfiber cloth is really necessary to save your lenses and filters. Look, seascape photography and ocean photography means you need to face the sea wave more or less. While you’re wearing a waterproof cloth to stay safe from the water, your camera can’t. So, be sure that somehow your lenses will get wet with some drops of saltwater. If not drops, then some spray. And that’s very harmful. If you rub your sleeve on it to remove water. You may see that it’s clean. But the salt will always be there. So, if you use a microfiber cloth to clean your lenses and filters, your tools will be safe.

Crocs & Waders:

What are crocs and waders? These are not mandatory for ocean photography. But having these will save you from various weathers. For example, some countries have colder weather. You can use waders there. And some countries have warmer weather. You can use waders over those locations.

Amazon or many online shops sell various kinds of crocs & waders. You can choose from there. Besides, these aren’t that costly. And your safety is the first priority.

A Tripod Can Hold Your Camera:

Of course. When you go for a longer exposure, you can use a tripod to set up your camera. Because, you’re seeing something unique to capture & just then, your camera shook. What will you do then? Yes, that’s when you need a tripod to stop camera shaking.

All the tools I’ve mentioned so far are mandatory for your ocean photography. So, if you have these tools, let’s get to the beach and put on your swimsuit!

Some Helpful Ocean Photography:

After managing all the tools for your seascape photography, you’ll definitely need some helpful tips to capture the ocean photos perfectly. So, here it is!

Stay Safe:

As much as the ocean is beautiful, it’s also very deadly and dangerous. There are always some rough waves on the ocean that will wash you and ruin your gear. So, watch out for those waves.

Ans some waves have a very strong pull. Strong enough to pull you into the sea. So, look out for those waves and stay safe. I also don’t prefer to stay away from climbing a clifftop on a beach especially when it’s windy. And never, never touch any animal.

Go Early or Go Late:
Ocean Wave Photography

When you are going for ocean photography, no matter which ocean it is or in which location it is, the sunlight is really harsh at mid-day. Right? It always ruins your shot. That’s why it’s a vital thing that you’re going early. If not, then go late. In short, go for capture ocean waves when the sunlight is mild.

Otherwise, specular waves, hard shadows will be on photos. Sunlight reflects directly on the water.

Capture At Least One Reflection:
Ocean Photography

Ocean or any kind of watery land is never calm. It ripples very easily, reflects very easily too. If you add a polarizing filter to your camera, it’s totally understandable. But it doesn’t hurt to capture reflections sometimes.

For this, go to a rocky pool or rocky seaside, or you can get close to shore if you want to capture the waves with the reflections of the sky. Trust me, this kind of photo provokes the feeling of its watchers that there’s definitely another world under the water.

Try Abstract Seascape:
A seashell

Well, among all other seas photography, abstract seascape photography is becoming more popular than ever. A little longer shutter speed and the zoom-in focus will help you capture awesome abstract seascape photography.

Try Sunburst Effect:
The Sun Looks Like It’s Bursting

This effect is very much known in ocean wave photography. To capture such effects, you need to follow my other tip, and that is to go early. When the sun rises, you can capture the sun from the back of a big rock. Or you can use a coral seashore.

Get Close To The Waves:
Sea Waves

It’s an amazing tip of ocean photography. It will let you take closer sea photos, which grab many eyes. You can use a zoom lens and get the actual color of the water. It’s really good to use a zoom lens here.

Don’t Forget The Post-Processing:

To capture stunning ocean photos isn’t any task. One wrong move and you might not get the shot back. So, it’s better to post-process your ocean photos. There are many kinds of photo editing companies on the internet. But you can really find some companies that are really professional. So, it’s a vital thing that finds a trusted company that’ll edit your photos as per your need and will provide urgent delivery service.

You can depend on Clipping Amazon for this. Let’s find out why.

Why Clipping Amazon?:
High-End Skin Retouching

Clipping Amazon is one of the most professional photo editing companies that provides 17 kinds of photo editing services. You will get everything you need here. Image cleaning, background removal, sky replacement, color correction, image masking services, and many more. But, for ocean photography, you’ll need quality color correction, sky replacement, etc. We provide services for 24 hours in 7 days. And you can also have urgent delivery here. We have worked in 26 countries with 100% client satisfaction. You can have a look at our portfolio page.

Lastly, I hope you liked my ocean photography tips. If you think there’s more to add, feel free to comment below. And don’t miss out on a chance to have such a trusted and professional photo editing company.


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