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Facebook Marketing: The Best Marketing Place To Grow A New E-Commerce Business

We use a lot of media to promote our online commercial products, don’t we? Whether they are through websites, e-mails, cold calls, or direct texting, they undoubtedly create less value for us. If you are the owner of an e-commerce store and are trying to increase your sales, you need to act intelligently. What do we mean by that? Let’s be clear. You invest a boatload of money to increase your e-commerce business sales across different marketing place and channels, be it SEO, SEM, or other means. Right? But have you considered Facebook marketing?

Imagine you’ve got a paid promotional tool that enables you to show ads to your target audience. What is the benefit? Obviously, this will save you a lot of time and money by counting non-profit visitors. Your ads will only be shown to those who are likely to convert to your customers. Isn’t that awesome? No doubt, it is! Yes, we are talking about Facebook marketing. This is a marketing place where you can blow the minds of your visitors and nail your online business. Meanwhile, many e-commerce entrepreneurs, including Shopify store owners, use this strategy to increase their reach and conversions.

Let’s find out why you should take advantage of Facebook marketing to skyrocket your online store sales.

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Why should go for Facebook marketing to increase our online sales?

When a marketing place has huge potential to attract customers, investing money there is always understandable.
Let’s take a look at some of the possible aspects of Facebook marketing

It’s An Opportunity To Reach A Large Number Audience

According to Statista statistics, Facebook reported about 1.85 billion daily users in the fourth quarter of 2020. Depending on your niche, your target audience will undoubtedly be precise. Don’t you want to take advantage of this huge presence to sell your online store? Of course, you want to take this golden opportunity.

Facebook Marketing Elevates your Brand Awareness

An important part of engaging people with your brand is to get them to recognize your brand. There is definitely multiple marketing place to do this. But one effective way you can do this is through Facebook marketing. How? For example, if you run a mandatory Facebook ad campaign for your store’s products, it will reach a lot of people on Facebook. Many of them like to click on the ad and once they click on the ad, it will direct them to your website. Some of these visitors will click and check all the pages and the rest will not go in vain but they will be brand-aware and their visit will help your site to rank higher in search engines.

Enables Segmentation On Facebook Marketing

If you want to manage successful Facebook Marketing, it is very important to target the right clients. When your product reaches the right people, the chances of automatic conversion increase. Therefore, you need to divide your clients based on their population, curiosity, past behavior. The advantage of this segmentation is that you can easily run ad campaigns on Facebook. For example, if you want to sell cosmetics, you need to target young and middle-aged women. So, in your ad campaign, you can set the metrics accordingly. Similarly, if you know certain clients’ purchase history or past behavior, you can easily dig up what product they would like to buy and load your store accordingly.

Performance Assessment is Hassle-free

To measure the performance of your Facebook ad campaign, all you need to know is impressions, reach, engagement and conversions. Now, the question is how to track the results? Just install a conversion pixel on your Facebook ads. After you install it, you can view and track all the activity related to your ads. It’s so simple, isn’t it? Absolutely. You can then set up Facebook page insights to monitor analytics, how people interact with the content of your page, what works best for you, and what else you should do to maximize sales.

How to Run a Successful Facebook Marketing Campaign?

Above we have discussed the importance of a Facebook marketing campaign for online sales but if you don’t know how to manage it, what’s the point of knowing the importance? That’s why we’ll give you ideas on the most effective Facebook marketing strategies you can take to build leads and increase online sales.

Figure out your Target Audience

Target Audience

The first and foremost task as part of your Facebook marketing campaign is to identify your target audience. That means who actually needs your product and who will benefit from your product. Based on the products you want to sell, you need to filter your target audience by age, gender, marital status, location, education, job, past purchases, and so on. Such relevant information about your prospects. So, don’t hesitate to use it.

Create a Facebook Business Page

Business Page Create

When your target is to conduct business on Facebook, you need to have a Facebook business page. This will introduce your business to Facebook. A Facebook business page Creating is completely free. All you have to do is go to and sign up for a business page. First, you need to name your business page and then select your business type with local business or location, brand or product, and cause or community. Then, provide all the necessary details of your business and add a profile picture, cover photo, and business logo.

Next, inject a summary of your business to get the attention of your customers. You can increase the description size at any time later. Be sure to give your position and once you have done that, you better go for your first post. Publish your first post and your Facebook marketing campaign has started.

Develop Engaging, Creative, and Actionable Content

Develop Content

Do you think that all kinds of content can attract your audience? Not at all. Brands that are successful in their marketing campaigns always come up with something interesting, inspiring, and innovative. Take a look at Nike’s tagline – just do it. What this tagline does automatically inspires viewers. It’s a step to arouse curiosity in the minds of viewers, the way Nike is nailing its business. Similarly, the slogan of a cosmetics company L’Oréal is – because you deserve it.

Even if a person has no plans to make a purchase, such a copy will automatically pitch him/her. Another thing to focus on when creating content is to introduce creativity. For example, if you have a visual with a certain character expression, you can write a spelling binding caption to explain it. Then just ask a question. All it will do is scale-up the post engagement and create brand awareness. This is how you need to create hook-grabbing, motivational, interesting, and original content for your Facebook marketing campaign. However, be sure to post on your business page. As well as share your content on various Facebook groups related to your business. This marketing place will add as well as convert your audience, we bet.

Visuals are Key to Your Campaign

Visuals are Key to your Campaign

Your Facebook marketing place needs to revolve around visuals. Having said that, we are not denying the importance of the text. No doubt, many times text is needed to explain and gave different ideas. But visual content proves to be especially useful compared to textual content alone. Brands, including e-commerce companies, are getting richer with visual benefits than ever before. So, take advantage of professional photos and videos to spice up your visuals. If necessary, do not hesitate to take professional photo editing services.

In addition, allow viewers and clients to engage with your business activities. By allowing them to share relevant content on your page. In addition to posting photos, emphasize video posts because the appeal of video marketing is growing at lightning speed. Decide the share ratio of promotional posts and other informative posts correctly. According to the 80-20 rule, 80% of posts should be informative and 20% should be promotional. In addition, one-third of social media rules indicate that one-third of posts should be based on ideas and stories. One-third should be personal interactions, and the remaining one-third should be promotional.

Product Images Should Be Catchy On Facebook Marketing

Product Images should be Catchy

We recommend sharing lots of social and informative posts for brand awareness. But your engagement and conversions will be greatly enhanced by using attractive product photos. After all, your business revolves around your products and so the product images you upload should be attractive. Your other efforts will be in vain if customers find errors in product visuals. No matter what type of post you share, the product image featured in those posts must have an interesting factor. They need to have enough attraction. Not only to attract buyers but also to pitch them. Additionally, be sure to add a call to action to your posts.

Follow a Posting Schedule

If you want to succeed with your Facebook marketing campaign, there is no substitute for adhering to a posting schedule. Just imagine, you’re posting something amazing at a time when your audience isn’t active on Facebook. What is the benefit? Your posts will not catch everyone’s eye, won’t they? So, you need to schedule your posts during peak hours. Set up a calendar with notifications so you don’t forget to post. You also need to decide on the frequency of the post. How many posts will you share per day? At what time?

Many people like to share posts on weekends thinking that most people will be active then. But the best time to stay active depends entirely on the type of product you sell. In addition, focus on the content of your posts. If this is a promotional post, buyers should have a pushing element. But if this is an informative post, then they should be properly educated. So, build your messages accordingly.

Utilize Facebook too to Sell your Products

Utilize Facebook too to Sell your Products

Being an e-commerce trader, your primary marketing place for selling products is the online store. There is no doubt about it. But if you have another marketing place to expand your sales, why not take advantage of them? We are not instructing you to invest your time, money, and energy in useless things. But for sure, you can set up Facebook to increase your sales. How’s that? You need to create a Facebook shop for your Facebook page. If you click on the “Shop” tab on the page, you’ll be directed to the “Sell on Facebook” page in the Commerce Manager. In this shop, you can add your products to the Facebook catalog.

Facebook Marketing and no Ad Campaigns!!!

Facebook Marketing and no Ad Campaigns

Yes, paid advertising is one of the most effective ways to increase user engagement and conversions. But in order to achieve results, you cannot run a paid campaign for everyone but you have to select a target audience. To start your ad campaign, you need to open a Facebook advertising account where you need to pay to post your ad with your target audience. It enables you to reach people who actually like to buy your product. According to e-marketers, about 96% of marketers consider Facebook to be the best marketing place to generate returns on advertising spend.

Another key thing you should do is install Facebook Pixel on your website. It is basically a code snippet that tracks the behavior and conversions of customers on your site. The question that may arise is how will this data help in Facebook marketing? Yes, this data can optimize your Facebook marketing. In fact, even if you’re not currently running an ad campaign, your marketing campaign has a lot to do with this data. When you install this conversion-tracking pixel on your checkout page, you will be able to know what your visitors will do after clicking on the ad and measure ROI. It shows you exactly how to target your audience and what to look for when targeting them.


So, are you ready for Facebook marketing to increase your online sales and conversions? Hopefully, after knowing the many benefits of Facebook marketing, you will not hesitate. The edge you get in this channel is that you get a lot of things to experiment and explore. You can use several tools to measure data and metrics. Even if some of these strategies do not work, there is no concern that others will not work and bring the desired results.

If you are a starter in an e-commerce business, use your creativity with some of the most effective advertising campaigns we’ve listed above. We talked about using eye-catching visuals as one of the Facebook marketing strategies. You can use carousel ads, for example, to entice buyers. As time goes on, what will you do, how to move forward, and eventually you will move your e-commerce business forward through Facebook marketing campaigns.

How Clipping Amazon Can Help?

Well, Clipping Amazon is a photo editing service provider. We give a lot of services. You would love to see our work. Our work is most important for us. We prioritize our clients. Similarly, we value them. So, If you are in the E-commerce business, you may need our service. You can contact us via our website. Or, you can send us an email.

We provide the following services-

  • Clipping Path
  • Multipath
  • Background Removal
  • Retouching
  • Shadow Creation
  • Reflection
  • Image Cleaning
  • Image Masking
  • Neck Joining
  • Magazine Design

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