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Amazon Product Image Requirements: Optimize Your Product Images

Currently, eCommerce is expanding its reign. The Amazon is one of the dominant influences in that kingdom. Amazon has become a steamroller in the eCommerce space. It has also given the opportunity of online shopping that isn’t bound to geographical location. Amazon Product Image Requirements are not that much hard. You just have to follow the unique style for the specific product category.

Product Images are the first things that the customers see. The customers want to see clear pictures. If you fail to put up the right Amazon image size, you may also fail to grab the customer’s attention. Because if you don’t follow the guidelines, the buyers won’t be able to zoom. On the other hand, Amazon will reject the wrong image files. So, to avoid such things, have a look at the Amazon Product Image Requirements

Amazon Product Image Requirements: Technical

The most important thing about an image is its technical side. You have to follow the guidelines of the technical sides of things of an image. Otherwise, the images will not be on the right track. And the images wouldn’t look good either. So, you’ll need to know the following-

  • Amazon prefers the JPEG image format. But you can use TIFF, or GIF files as well
  • The maximum file size should be within 10 MB (each image)
  • The longest side minimum image dimension is 500 pixels
  • The longest side minimum image dimension is 10,000 pixels
  • Amazon proposes using images larger than 1000 pixels
  • If it’s a square image, Amazon’s recommendation is to use a 1:1 square image with a 2000 x 2000 dimension
  • If the image in rectangle shape, the dimension proportion of 5:1 will do.
  • Crop the photo well proportionately with limited white space to maximize the size of the product

These are the requirements for the product images. You should remember to compress the image file. Although Amazon compresses the image files after someone’s upload. You must give priority to the image dimension. Without the perfect dimension, your customers will not be able to zoom your product. Thus this may lead to them not to like your product and finally buy it. So, be careful. You should know that customers would be able to zoom your image once the dimension is 1000 x 500.

Amazon Product Image Requirements:
Main Listings Images (Only

The main listing image is the initial image that the customers see on the listing page after the search result. These kinds of images are the most important ones so far in the listing. Because an attractive photo will get more clicks and also drive higher sales. Your listing photo will be attractive once you fulfill the requirements. So the requirements are-

  • The product image must fill at least 85% of the area with the product or more.
  • Listing page photos should not be blurry, cropped, or uneven-edged.
  • The images must accurately represent the product.

❌What Not to Do for Listing Image Only❌

Along with focusing on doing the things that are mentioned in the guidelines, you will also have to focus on not doing something. For instance, the following-

  • On the listing page, no image should contain a graphic or any illustration of the product. Only photos of the main product with nothing else are acceptable.
  • Do not show any accessories or props that are not a part of the product. Because it may confuse the customers.
  • Do not show multiple view of the product in the Listing Image.
  • You should not upload photos with visible mannequins, except for socks and stockings.
  • The photos must not contain any brand tags. Amazon doesn’t allow this.
  • Don’t upload product images with color background or lifestyle images

Image Requirements for Apparels

Featuring the product in form of an image is always a good call when you are talking about online selling. But you have clearly follow the guidelines. And before you start, you definitely have to check if there is any industry specific guidelines for the specific image you will be posting. For instance, the apparel or clothing industry must follow the following rules-

πŸ‘šπŸ‘•πŸ§₯ You should present a photograph of Women’s and Men’s apparel on a model or flat.

πŸ§€πŸ§£πŸ‘’ All kinds of accessories, for instance, belts, scarves, gloves, hats, etc. must be photographed flat.

πŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸ§Έ The baby items photographs should be flat, not on a model.

πŸ©±πŸ‘™πŸ©³ Images of Lingerie and swimsuit must not be presented in a sexually explicit manner rather those should be restrained.

So, if you sell apparels, you must not forget to maintain all these guidelines. Don’t you worry about so many rules. There is a huge flexibility when it comes to present your products to your customers.

Alternative, Additional, or Secondary Product Photo Requirements

Alternative product photos are the photos that you upload along with the Listing Photo. The main purpose of these photos is to offer additional information. And also to showcase the product properly in each possible angle, alternative photos work best. So, let’s see the Amazon alternative product image requirements

  • Secondary image requirements are pretty simple. These photos must follow the technical guidelines I mentioned above πŸ‘†.
  • The image must be a part of the product that you are selling or related to it.
  • No offensive images such as pornographic, racist, etc. are applicable. This applies to the listing image also.
  • The photo must have realistic color and well-focused with enough light in it.
  • Close shots of the product images are allowed here.
  • You can use text and graphics for a better demonstration.
  • There is a chance to show your product in use.
  • You can use backgrounds other than white.

Follow all the guidelines of Amazon and try to find creative ways to present your products. You have to present your products in such a way that they convey all the information your customers may need regarding the products.

Best Practices for Amazon Product images

Now that we have learned all the technical sides, it’s time to learn some tricks now. Because if want to stand out in this hyper-competitive marketplace, you gotta be careful. So, let’s take a look at few things-

  • Give your customers a chance to zoom your products. As I have mentioned earlier, zoom ability starts with 1000 pixels. So you have to upload larger pictures than that. The best practice is to upload a image with 2000 x 2000 pixels.
Zoom Ability of Amazon’s Alternative Product Images
  • You should add multiple pictures of your product. When customers are shopping online, there is no chance for them to see the products properly in their own eyes. So, it’s a little relief for them when there are multiple photos of the product in every possible angle. Some customers find it satisfying also. You can also add videos to explain the features like the following picture πŸ‘‡
Use of Multiple Images
  • Don’t forget to add text and graphics for better demonstration. Because that what makes amazon product images cathchy. You can also add colorful or lifestyle backgrounds to establish a context and to provide information to your customers.
Use of Graphics and Text
  • Show your product in use as that is the secret way to gain the customer’s trust. You can add both photo and video of your products in use.
  • There is another great trick that most of the sellers use. That is they upload few things written in text in a form of an image. For example, a chart of the sizes. Though the list of sizes is given in the product descriptions, it’s easier for the customers to see if that is with the alternative images as follows πŸ‘‰

Maintaining all of these may seem a little much to handle. Let me tell you something Clipping Amazon can help you with all of these. We provide lots of image editing services to help sellers like you. You don’t have to worry about a thing! just send us the images, we will prepare everything for you. All you have to do is just click and upload them. Easy Right!

Great News! We are offering you a Free Trial! Crazy Right! To get a Free Trial Just click on the button below. Just so you know, we don’t require any credit card information, and files are 100% secure with us. Give it a try! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

NB: The Images are taken as examples from All rights reserved to

Alima Jannat

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