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Best 6 Hacks of Writing an Effective Title Tag [2021]

Many people take the title tags lightly. They may think that title tags are quite easy and there is no way they will mess it up. But the truth is title tag is one of the keystones of SEO. It has more potential and SEO value than most people realize. In fact, Moz emphasizes that Title tags are the second most important on-page factor for SEO, after content. So, the question is, What makes an effective title tag? or, how to write a title tag?

What is a Title Tag?

Basically, a title tag is an HTML element. It specifies the title of a web page. The title tag appears as a clickable heading in the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). The title tag is intended to be an exact and precise description of a specific web page’s content.

The title tag appears in a bigger blue font than everything else and is hyperlinked to your web page.


The title tag also appears on the source page. HostGator explains, Generally, you add it to the HTML in the page header with a tag that looks like <title> Title of Your Page </title>. It also appears at the top of the web browser. See the following examples. That is the reason you need to know what makes an effective title tag?

Why This Tag Is Important?

Neil Patel says, there are two big reasons why page title tags are so important. First, if you have a clear title that’s relevant to your page, both humans and search engines will see that as a sign of a good page. And second, is that they show up in browser tabs. So when someone wants to find your page out of all their browser tabs, they’ll look for your title tag. [Source:]

But Neil Patel also says that if your title tag is not well optimized, your audience may skip it. As a result, search engines may determine that your page lacks quality and it would definitely affect on ranking factor. So, you have to optimize your title tags, otherwise, it may sink your page.

The title tag influences website traffic. Ahrefs in one case study found that improved title tag increased their organic traffic by 37.58%. So. you must know what makes an effective title tag to thoroughly optimize your title.

What Makes an Effective Title Tag?

Like everything, you have to follow few guidelines while writing a title tag. But remind that, sometimes google might display a title that you are not familiar with. This can be frustrating. But if you follow the guidelines properly, this very unlikely to happen.

So let’s see How to Write an effective Title Tag?

Take Care of The Length

On a SERP page, Google shows 50-60 characters of a title tag. So, You have to write your title within that word limit. Otherwise, it will be truncated.

Don’t Over Optimize Keywords

If you stuff your title with full of keywords, that may lead to a bad user experience. You must avoid titles that are just lists of keywords.

Write Unique Title For Each Page

Don’t write the same title tag for every page. The title tag has to be different and specific for each page. Because the title tag is the first thing that describes what content is in the web page.

Take Advantage of Your Brand

If you have a well-established brand, you should add the brand name in the title. It will help to boost the CTR. Our recommendation is to add your brand name at the end of your title tag.

Write for Audience

Write for your customers, not for the search engine. That is what makes an effective title tag.

Put Important Keywords First

Put important keywords at the beginning of the title.
You can also add numbers at the beginning of the titles like, “5 SEO Tips” to be more specific. Adding year after the end of the title is a good trick for a ranking factor. So, optimize your title tag for increasing your website traffic. Don’t you worry because you have already learned What Makes an Effective Title Tag and how to write a title tag?

Learn How Moz bar Works and How to Use it!

Alima Jannat

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