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Natural Light Photography: Choose Your Time To Take Picture

Natural light photography uses the sun as a light source. The available light from the sun varies with the time of day. A sunny day provides full illumination, while an overcast day may afford texture and nuance to a photographer.

The direction of the sun and its position in the sky also affect the quality of natural light photography. Light from the sun is a major factor in natural light photography. Because natural light is not direct, it must be filtered through the atmosphere. This filtering can be a major contributor to a picture’s mood, color, and texture.

Natural Light Photography Tips

The most important thing when shooting natural light is to use natural light. When photographing natural light, it is important to consider the direction of the sun, the time of day, and the quality of the light. The direction of the sun is often called the “light angle.” The sun is considered to be overhead when the light is perpendicular to the subject. The sun is considered to be low when it is close to the horizon and shadows are cast from the sun on the subject. There are times when the sun is directly overhead. This is referred to as “direct sun.” It is important to know that direct sun provides harsh and direct light.


The quality of the light is very flat. The high contrast and harsh shadows make the sun look too much like a spotlight. Direct sunlight is best used for indoor subjects or when the photographer wants a strong, bright background.

Essential Notes About Natural Light Photography Tips:

Middle Of The Day


It can be challenging to shoot in the middle of the day. With the sun directly overhead, the shadows are awkward, and sometimes this makes your subjects look uncomfortable. But there are many times when shooting during the middle of the day is the best time to take photos.

If you are photographing a subject that is in direct sunlight, like a sunset or a sunrise, the light is more intense and contrast is higher than it will be later in the afternoon. The best part about shooting in the middle of the day is that the light is usually softer and you will get better results. What you need to know is to use a tripod when you are shooting in the middle of the day because the light is soft. The sun can be harsh, so wear sunglasses and use a diffuser to soften the light.

If you are using a flash, make sure the flash is not too close to your subject, but instead, place the flash away from the camera, such as on a wall. If you are not using a flash, try to place your subject in the shadow. This will help you to capture more of the scene.


If you are shooting in the middle of the day, and the subject is in the middle of the frame, you will need to crop your photo. It very important natural light photography tips. Be careful not to crop too much; you don’t want to lose your subject in the shot. Shooting in the middle of the day can be challenging, but it can also be a lot of fun. Take your time and experiment with different types of light. There are many ways to take photos in the middle of the day.

Cloudy Days In Natural Light Photography Tips


Cloudy days diffuse the light for you. If you’re looking for pictures of blue skies and good weather, this isn’t the best time to take pictures. However, that wonderfully diffused light will make it a great time to take portraits. It’s also fantastic if you’re working on macros of flowers or wildlife. Waterfall photos will benefit from the fantasy-like wonder you can achieve with slow shutter speeds and flatter lighting.


If you want to get the most out of your cloudy days, you’ll need to understand the basics of how the light works and what kind of light you’ll be using. First, let’s look at the basics of light. Light Basics When you see light, you see photons. Light is made up of particles that travel in waves. The amount of light that reaches your eye depends on how bright it is. When you are inside, you have a lot of light because there are lots of light sources around you. However, outside, things are not so easy. There are fewer sources of light to bounce off of objects and into your eyes.

Golden Hour Photography


Golden hour is the most sought-after time of day for photography. As a rough approximation, golden hour happens twice a day during the hour after sunup and the hour before sundown. During this time, the sun is at its most dramatic angle. Shadows are deep and dramatic, but they still fall naturally, and they aren’t as harsh as they are in the midday sun. The light has a golden hue acquired as it travels through the atmosphere. Many photographers swear that the golden hour is the best time of day to take pictures.

Golden Hour Photography

During golden hour, the sky is mostly blue, making the sunlight appear more vivid. This can be problematic for portraits, though, because blue tones tend to wash out skin tones. When shooting landscapes, a golden hour can produce some stunning results. The golden color of the light can bring out the highlights in distant mountains, while at the same time, creating deep shadows in the foreground. When shooting photos of people, a golden hour can also be a problem. Skin tones can look washed out, and when you are shooting outdoors, it’s hard to keep people out of the shadows. During golden hour, people’s faces become very warm and pink, which makes them look less than attractive. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use the golden hour as a creative tool. It’s a very important natural light photography tips.

Dusk Or Dawn Photography


The golden hour begins or ends at dawn or dusk. The golden hour has the same light qualities as dawn and dusk, so it’s the best time of day to take photos. The scene is going to get darker as the sun goes down. The light will be more and more influenced by the light being reflected in the atmosphere. The later it gets to less light, the more careful you need to be with your camera settings.

Dawn Photography

You don’t want a scene that’s too dark or too bright. You want the right balance of both. When the sun sets, the clouds will start to glow. The light will be coming from the left side of the picture. You’ll notice this light in the clouds when you’re looking at a sunset. It’s not the same as the light that comes from the sun, but it’s similar. This is called rim light. The rim of the clouds can be bright or dark depending on how far away from the sun it is.

Blue Hour Photography


One of the most underrated times of day for photography is the blue hour. The soft, blue light of this hour often makes beautiful photos. Blue hour’s length varies depending on the time of year and your distance from the equator. Location far north (or south) of the equator will get very long golden and blue hours, something that works well to the photographer’s advantage. In tropical locations, these “hours” can pass very quickly!

Blue Hour Photography

The blue hour occurs between sunset and sunrise, when the sun is in the sky but below the horizon. Blue hour is popular in commercial photography, wedding photography, and landscape photography. It’s also a great time to take photographs of city skylines or cityscapes. The time of day during which the sun is not visible above the horizon is referred to as night, while the time of day after the sun has set is called morning. The difference between these two times of day is significant, and the length of blue hour depends on where you are located.

Night Photography


Night photography has a look and feels all its own. The city lights make stunning landscapes, as do long-exposure star photography. Most photographers work in the dark of night. If the foreground is too dark, but the background is great, you can use light painting to keep the shot interesting, just like in all photography. Night photography settings differ from other night shooting environments.

Night Photography

Star photography is usually done far away from city lights, or at least in locations where you can combine the two. Cities and towns have many lights that cause light pollution. It can wash out the stars so much that your camera won’t pick up the beautiful purple, blue or pink halo of lights in the sky. The best time to take photos at night is when the light sources are the furthest away from you.

That way, you’ll have the most stars to work with. If you want to see some of the world’s best star trails, the best places to go are the deserts of the world. Deserts are generally dark, making for a very cool effect when you combine that with the stars. The best way to see this effect is to use a long exposure.

Thinking When to Go

You now know what time of day is the best time to take photos outside, but you need to figure out when to go. A sundial can help you do that, as it can tell you the exact time of day without relying on the seasons. But, because the time at which the sun sets and rises varies by a few minutes every day, an almanac can tell you the data you need to determine when to go. However, your location relative to the equator also affects when the golden and blue hours begin and end, as well as how long they are going to be.

The Sun’s Path in the Sky In order to figure out when the sun will set or rise, you need to know the path of the sun in the sky. This is called the solar path, and it’s calculated using the location of the sun and the position of the observer on Earth. Sun is a small object in the sky, so it’s easy to find its position in the sky.

Conclusion About Natural Light Photography Tips

When you take a photo, consider what sort of images you are looking for. An experienced photographer can use their camera in any weather conditions, from a blazing hot day to a dark and dreary night. However, you need to understand what you are trying to achieve with the image and what methods you need to use to make that look.

One way to get some ideas about how your images will look is to watch the light as it changes throughout the day. If you are photographing a city, watch the buildings and traffic lights change color as the sun goes down. You may also want to experiment with different settings, such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. The more you know about the camera, the better your images will turn out. If you want to go on a nature hike and photograph a waterfall, you need to understand the effects of changing light.

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Jannatul Ferdous

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